Modify Sketch
The Modify Sketch tool is a much more efficient way to Mirror, Move,
and/or Rotate an entire sketch.
To access it, you must either (a)
pre-select a sketch on the feature tree OR (b) be in Sketch Mode (meaning,
editing the sketch):
Tools à Sketch Tools àModify Sketch
Drag the Modify Sketch icon to your
command manager for easier access
à Customize à Commands àModify Sketch
Modify Sketch Dialog Box
-“Sketch origin” is the origin of the
sketch, which is only visible when you are in Sketch Mode.
-“Moveable origin” is the black
origin that appears once you are in the command.
- Re-position “Moveable origin”
by left clicking on origin and drag to desired location.
Translate (i.e. Move):
-Indicate a value for
displacement. You can include a minus
sign to move it in the –X or –Y directions.
-You can include expressions!!! (for example: "0.5 + 1/8")
- Indicate a value for rotation. Include a minus sign to rotate it in a clockwise
Things to
remember for Modify Sketch tool
You cannot move a sketch that has external
references (dependent upon other geometry/sketches)
You cannot modify only partial entities of a
sketch. It’s all or nothing. J
Look at your cursor for clues. You can hover your mouse over parts of the
black origin to execute various functions.
black origin: RMB flips across both X and Y axes
the x axis arrow of the black origin : RMB flips across the Y axis
the y axis arrow of the black origin: RMB flips across the X axis
You can do more than 1 function sequentially
while the dialog box is open such as translate and then rotate.
You can only undo after closing the dialog box
(Close the dialog box and hit Ctrl +Z)
Before using the tool, your sketch should be
ALMOST fully defined, which means that the sketch contour should be fully
defined it itself, but it is only under defined because you have not indicated
where the sketch should be placed relative to the sketch origin. (if you move a point on your sketch, it
should move as a whole without warping/changing shape)
Once you position it to where you want, add
dimensions to make it fully defined.